Yesterday at church instead of the "normal" service, they put on a production of the "Via Dolorosa" or what translates into "the painful way" It was a production that depicted the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It was a great way to begin Holy Week.
The kids do not have school this week, as with every other Holy Week. Today, thanks to the team from Lubbock that is visiting, the kids who rank well in the behavior system, about half the group, a few homeparents, and the two of us went to Auto Mariscos, a small waterpark. We had a great time, and we're very excited to report that we have no accidents of any kind. Just a few eyes that look very tired.
It's a tradition here at the children's home to have Holy Week Olympics. Each afternoon there will be a couple of hours of various games like a basketball shootout, various water relays, crab soccer tournament, 3 legged soccer, dodgeball tournament, and so on. We promise to be better about pictures so that you too can enjoy the festivities.
We mentioned having a team from Lubbock, TX earlier in the email. We are enjoying getting to know the 12 on the team, and are thankful for the help that have been and continue to be for us.