Wednesday, August 8, 2007

counting down...

When we purchased our plane tickets, I began counting down the number of days until we leave for Guatemala. Somewhere in teh 30's I lost count. I don't know if it's because we had a lot going on during a few of those days, or if the reality of all that has to be done before we leave set in!

This Friday (the 10th) is our last day of work for both of us. After Friday we'll begin packing up all of our stuff to be moved to Lee's parents' house. They have been so gracious to let us leave all of our stuff there. Around the 26th we'll be out of Canyon and the on the 4th we'll leave the States.

We will begin to update our website more that there's more happening!!

Until then,



Steve Venable said...

I couldn't be happier for you guys!

Clark said...

Hope you guys enjoy your last couple of weeks in the states. We'll pray for you as you enjoy family and friends, and prepare for language school.