Friday, November 9, 2007

It's Friday!

In case you're not aware, it's Friday. We've been looking forward to this afternoon specifically for 2 weeks. The past 2 weeks we both attended class an extra 2 hours, 2 afternoons per week. We know that adding 4 hours per week doesn't sound like much, however, it took away a good amount of time to do homework, and it generated more homework. We also chose to go on an excursion with our school which took a great deal of time one afternoon.

Yesterday was the day we went on the excursion with our school. We went to a coffee farm which we had both been to in years past. There were 2 main differences this time - 1. we understood the tour guide and 2. the coffee is almost ready for harvest. In the past we have seen green plants with a green berries on them - when the coffee berries are ready like they are now, they are red. We toured the facility where they grow the plants, and where they process the crop once it's cut from the plants.

On Sunday you folks in the states got an extra hour of sleep - this now puts us in the same time zone until you "spring foward" in March/April. This has made it really nice for communicating with family and friends. This would be an appropriate time to let you all know that we use skype. Should you be a skype user, please let us know so that maybe we could set up a time to talk with you.

Please continue to pray for us in the area of language, encountering with the people here in Angtigua, and our personal walks with the Lord.

Don't be shy! We'd love to hear from you either through a comment on here or in our email inboxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear that you are understanding more of the language all the time. I am jealous! I pray that you are well and I love reading your updates. We miss you, but are happy you are where God has planted you.
Doug and I are great. Doug is working a Backyard Mission today and it is rather windly, hope he can handle that metal they are using without slicing himself up.