Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's 12:30 here at the home - and we're looking at a semi-sunny sky. It's been raining so much here lately - I suppose the rainy season is going out with a bang.

Last night Lee had yet another blood test with really positive results, though his white blood cell and platelet count are not in the normal range yet - they're doing their best to get there. The doctor asked him to return again Thursday for another blood test. Though Lee feels just fine, the doctor has told him to rest for this week. Because of his white blood cell count being low he is more susceptible to infection to a secordary illness, and with the platelets being low, the doctor is worried about cuts and bruises that platelets would generally clot up. Being subjected to rest has been hard for Lee - he's trying to fight off boredom and restlessness.

We knew when we got here we'd have to start the hoop jumping process of getting visas. After we arrived we were told that we would need offical criminal records from the state we lived in for the past 5 years. Thankfully, we have only lived in one state, however, the state of Texas doesn't just give criminal records out. So, thanks to my Dad - he has been able to make arrangements to get our records released to him if he has our fingerprints. Sending and receiving mail is quite an issue here, however, there is a small team who will be here this Friday through Monday. Hopefully those fingerprint cards will arrive in Lubbock today, they'll fly down here on Friday, we'll put our mark on them, and then send them back Monday. If the plan goes as continued, the cards will be mailed to Dad - the records will be released to him and then he can send them on to the correct people in Houston. While it may sound confusing - really, it's not - however, it is a blessing that we are here this during this time so we can not only receive the finger printing cards, but will be able to get them back to Texas in a short time. You could join us in praying that we would receive our visas quickly and that there is no other hold up in the process like getting these records has been.

Also, in November a new president will be elected to Guatemala. We'd ask you to pray for the elections themselves, and also pray that our visas would be processed before the change in leadership is put into effect in January.

Though we haven't been in school this week, we are in Guatemala, so we're using our spanish. Both of us have been able to tell an improvement, and we're both thankful that we have more school ahead of us.


Anonymous said...

gee... staci, you're definitely demanding a significant block of my prayer time now... :) just kidding. missed you at the chili cook-off and cake auction last sunday.

Anonymous said...

Just read about all the illness. Glad y'all are getting better! Criminal records? You two are in trouble! I hope the people wanting those have plenty of time to read! (Lee) Ha! Ha! :)J/K

Clark said...

Glad to hear that the amoeba has split and the sunburn is confined to the palms of the hands...